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The Foodie Corner Logo with British flag

Hello everyone!

This is a difficult post to write, so I’m keeping it short and sweet. It’s goodbye, but hopefully not really goodbye. Not making much sense… I know. Well, after much thought and indecisiveness, I’ve finally accepted that it is too difficult to keep both blogs up and running properly. My beloved first baby On Top Of Spaghetti has been suffering complete neglect, so I’ve decided to give it a long-term timeout. The pages that are here will stay here, but I won’t be posting anything new. This is very sad for me, as I’m very sentimental about this little blog.

There is however some good news. We won’t lose touch, as The Foodie Corner (my Greek blog) has just gone international! Yes, I will be blogging in English there. So you might ask, well why do that when you could have just written in this one? It’s not the same.

As a lot of you are fellow food bloggers, you know exactly how long it takes to get a good post out there. If you’re not fellow bloggers, well guys, it’s more time consuming that it looks. For me, the part that usually takes the most time is photographing my creations. Since I gave up using the iphone for my photos, and started playing with a more complicated camera, and props, and backgrounds, the photography side of my work has become a major part of the recipe blogging process. Having one blog in two languages means I can use the same photo for a recipe. And although originally my intention was to keep the two blogs completely different, with different recipes, I found myself posting things here that were already on The Foodie Corner in Greek. This didn’t feel right to me, it looked unprofessional and I was getting stressed and unhappy with the whole situation.

So what’s the deal with The Foodie Corner? Well, basically most posts will be in both languages. In some cases though, if I feel a recipe is irrelevant to either audience, I won’t post it on those pages. That’s the plan at the moment, but it may very well change down the line, as my ideas and thoughts are evolving and growing together with the pages of the blog. Also, I am noticing more and more that even if I make a very traditional dish of some sort, it will nearly always have a twist that might make it interesting to everyone. So, yes, it’s all “work in progress” until I find my way. If you see something on the Greek pages that you want to learn more about, just drop me a line or a comment!

So, I am really hoping you will all come over and visit, and if you like what you see, there are a number of ways to follow my antics. Facebook (unfortunately not reliable for all posts, but still a way to keep in touch), Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Bloglovin. You can also subscribe to receive posts by email.

I really really really hope you join me there! Thanks for all your support guys. Ciao.